Refund Policy

If you meet our refund policy and want to get a refund, please contact us.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

The 30 Days Money Back Guarantee applies if ...

  1. You have rented one of our rented cars for the first time, and only if your first experience was not going very well.
  2. Your payment for the car you rented was paid within the last 30 days.
  3. Your account, you personally have not made use of the 30 Days Money Back Guarantee before.
  4. Your rented car from one of our vendor was not functioning, and there was no other car to substitute it.
  5. Based on your complain to your rented car, which our vendor is agreed upon to refund your payment.

To place a refund request, you would have to fill out this form. We will then review your request within 10 days and contact you via email.